Infection control in correctional facilities demands innovative solutions

Correctional facilities require proven, safe, and cost-effective cleaning solutions that are efficient to use. Novālent technology offers a revolutionary residual antimicrobial solution that when sprayed onto surfaces, provides long-lasting protection between cleanings and through daily use for up to 90 days at a time. That extended protection window can help reduce overall cleaning costs and […]

Between Sanitizing: Why Microbiostatic agents are the future of hygiene

With COVID-19 cases and deaths rising again across the US and globally, the world is looking for new solutions: innovative ideas, strategies, and protocols that will help finally turn the tide. Researchers are pursuing vaccines, policymakers are wrestling with tough decisions, and public health informs everything we do. For businesses and institutions, cleaning and sanitizing […]

Back to business: Three cleaning musts for food service establishments

The most important word in the hospitality industry today is “clean,” according to a September article in the New York Times that outlines how top global companies are putting new cleaning strategies in place. For restaurants and food service operations in particular, it’s not enough to simply put more time, people, and chemicals into cleaning. […]

Protecting guests between disinfections: cleaning for the new normal in hospitality

The pandemic’s impact on the hospitality industry is hard to overstate. By the end of July, more than half of open hotel rooms were empty across the US, thousands of hotels were shuttered completely, and room revenue losses surpassed $46 billion. Statistics are still grim, but as the weeks roll on, house-bound, stressed out consumers are […]

Back to school safely: Microbiostatic antimicrobials are a game-changer

Across the country, school administrators are struggling to balance the needs of students, families, and staff with the realities and dangers of COVID-19. Many schools are remaining remote until safe processes for in-person learning can be put in place. Others, especially in higher education, are opening with hybrid models in place. The challenges of keeping […]

The between-cleaning dilemma: Technologies that bridge the gap

Anxiety about cleaning best practices is no longer relegated to healthcare and food services decision-makers. In the COVID era, everyone has to be thinking about sanitization. Salons and shops that once might disinfect only at the end of the day are now meticulously cleaning between customers. Hotels and restaurants have had to transform their routines […]